CLI 命令(cli_commands)

Milvus 命令行界面(CLI)

Milvus 命令行界面(CLI)是一个命令行工具,支持数据库连接、数据操作以及数据的导入和导出。

本主题介绍所有支持的命令和相应的选项。同时还包括了一些示例,以供参考。 计算距离



calc distance


OptionFull nameDescription
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.



milvus_cli > calc distance
Import left operator vectors from existing collection? [y/N]: n
The vector's type (float_vectors, bin_vectors): float_vectors
Left vectors:
    [[0.083, 0.992, 0.931, 0.433, 0.93, 0.706, 0.668, 0.481, 0.255, 0.088, 0.121, 0.701, 0.935, 0.142, 0.012, 0.197, 0.066, 0.864, 0.263, 0.732, 0.445, 0.672, 0.184, 0.675, 0.361, 0.115, 0.396, 0.206, 0.084, 0.274, 0.523, 0.958, 0.071, 0.646, 0.864, 0.434, 0.212, 0.5, 0.319, 0.608, 0.356, 0.745, 0.672, 0.488, 0.221, 0.485, 0.193, 0.557, 0.546, 0.626, 0.593, 0.526, 0.404, 0.795, 0.076, 0.156, 0.231, 0.1, 0.18, 0.796, 0.716, 0.752, 0.816, 0.363], [0.284, 0.135, 0.172, 0.198, 0.752, 0.174, 0.314, 0.18, 0.672, 0.727, 0.062, 0.611, 0.921, 0.851, 0.238, 0.648, 0.794, 0.177, 0.639, 0.339, 0.402, 0.977, 0.887, 0.528, 0.768, 0.16, 0.698, 0.016, 0.906, 0.261, 0.902, 0.93, 0.547, 0.146, 0.65, 0.072, 0.876, 0.645, 0.303, 0.922, 0.807, 0.093, 0.063, 0.344, 0.667, 0.81, 0.662, 0.147, 0.242, 0.641, 0.903, 0.714, 0.637, 0.365, 0.512, 0.267, 0.577, 0.809, 0.698, 0.62, 0.768, 0.402, 0.922, 0.592]]
Import right operator vectors from existing collection? [y/N]: n
The vector's type (float_vectors, bin_vectors): float_vectors
Right vectors:
    [[0.518, 0.034, 0.786, 0.251, 0.04, 0.247, 0.55, 0.595, 0.638, 0.957, 0.303, 0.023, 0.007, 0.712, 0.841, 0.648, 0.807, 0.429, 0.402, 0.904, 0.002, 0.882, 0.69, 0.268, 0.732, 0.511, 0.942, 0.202, 0.749, 0.234, 0.666, 0.517, 0.787, 0.399, 0.565, 0.457, 0.57, 0.937, 0.712, 0.981, 0.928, 0.678, 0.154, 0.775, 0.754, 0.532, 0.074, 0.493, 0.288, 0.229, 0.9, 0.657, 0.936, 0.184, 0.478, 0.587, 0.592, 0.84, 0.793, 0.985, 0.826, 0.595, 0.947, 0.175], [0.704, 0.02, 0.937, 0.249, 0.431, 0.99, 0.779, 0.855, 0.731, 0.665, 0.773, 0.647, 0.135, 0.44, 0.621, 0.329, 0.718, 0.003, 0.927, 0.511, 0.515, 0.359, 0.744, 0.828, 0.31, 0.161, 0.605, 0.539, 0.331, 0.077, 0.503, 0.668, 0.275, 0.72, 0.172, 0.035, 0.88, 0.762, 0.646, 0.727, 0.83, 0.001, 0.085, 0.188, 0.583, 0.709, 0.134, 0.683, 0.246, 0.214, 0.863, 0.109, 0.168, 0.539, 0.451, 0.303, 0.064, 0.575, 0.547, 0.85, 0.75, 0.789, 0.681, 0.735], [0.648, 0.769, 0.525, 0.716, 0.752, 0.199, 0.095, 0.222, 0.767, 0.029, 0.244, 0.527, 0.496, 0.691, 0.487, 0.83, 0.546, 0.102, 0.845, 0.096, 0.744, 0.758, 0.092, 0.289, 0.139, 0.005, 0.204, 0.245, 0.528, 0.607, 0.446, 0.029, 0.686, 0.558, 0.705, 0.451, 0.87, 0.404, 0.824, 0.727, 0.058, 0.283, 0.512, 0.682, 0.027, 0.026, 0.809, 0.669, 0.241, 0.103, 0.101, 0.225, 0.989, 0.662, 0.917, 0.972, 0.93, 0.447, 0.318, 0.434, 0.437, 0.036, 0.009, 0.96], [0.726, 0.418, 0.404, 0.244, 0.618, 0.356, 0.07, 0.842, 0.137, 0.967, 0.465, 0.811, 0.027, 0.704, 0.935, 0.546, 0.92, 0.125, 0.917, 0.089, 0.463, 0.929, 0.289, 0.721, 0.368, 0.837, 0.14, 0.431, 0.495, 0.75, 0.484, 0.083, 0.431, 0.392, 0.177, 0.303, 0.013, 0.317, 0.593, 0.047, 0.695, 0.185, 0.633, 0.825, 0.203, 0.619, 0.597, 0.152, 0.899, 0.061, 0.512, 0.67, 0.82, 0.52, 0.743, 0.07, 0.99, 0.119, 0.949, 0.284, 0.529, 0.65, 0.523, 0.059]]
Supported metric type. Default is "L2" (L2, IP, HAMMING, TANIMOTO) [L2]:
sqrt [False]: True
Timeout(optional) []:
Return type:
Assume the vectors_left: L_1, L_2, L_3
Assume the vectors_right: R_a, R_b
Distance between L_n and R_m we called "D_n_m"
The returned distances are arranged like this:
[[D_1_a, D_1_b],
[D_2_a, D_2_b],
[D_3_a, D_3_b]]
Note: if some vectors do not exist in collection, the returned distance is "-1.0"
[[3.625464916229248, 3.234992742538452, 3.568333148956299, 3.694913148880005], [2.556027889251709, 2.8901233673095703, 3.385758399963379, 3.3239054679870605]]




calc mkts_from_hybridts -h (int) -m (float)


OptionFull nameDescription
-h--hybridtsThe original hybrid timestamp used to generate a new hybrid timestamp. A non-negative integer that ranges from 0 to 18446744073709551615.
-m--millisecondsThe incremental interval in milliseconds.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

calc mkts_from_unixtime

Generates a hybrid timestamp based on the Unix Epoch time, timedelta, and incremental time interval.


calc mkts_from_unixtime -e (float) -m (float)


OptionFull nameDescription
-e--epochThe known Unix timestamp used to generate a hybrid timestamp. The Unix epoch is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
-m--millisecondsThe incremental interval in milliseconds.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.




calc hybridts_to_unixtime -h (int)


OptionFull nameDescription
-h--hybridtsThe known hybrid timestamp to be converted to a UNIX timestamp. A non-negative integer that ranges from 0 to 18446744073709551615.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


Clears the screen.




OptionFull nameDescription
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.




connect [-h (text)] [-p (int)] [-a (text)] [-s (text)] [-u (text)] [-pwd (text)] [-D]


OptionFull nameDescription
-h--host(Optional) The host name. The default is "".
-p--port(Optional) The port number. The default is "19530".
-a--alias(Optional) The alias name of the Milvus link. The default is "default".
-s--secure(Optional) Whether to enable secure connection or not. The default is "False".
-pwd--password(Optional) The user password in Milvus. The default is "None".
-u--username(Optional) The username in Milvus. The default is "None".
-D--disconnect(Optional) Flag to disconnect from the Milvus server specified by an alias. The default alias is "default".
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


milvus_cli > connect -h -p 19530 -a default

create user

Create user in Milvus


create user -u (text) -p (text)


OptionFull nameDescription
-p--passwordThe user password in milvus. The default is "None".
-u--usernameThe username in milvus. The default is "None".
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.




milvus_cli > create user -u zilliz -p zilliz



A collection can have multiple aliases. However, an alias corresponds to a maximum of one collection.


create alias -c (text) -a (text) [-A] [-t (float)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection.
-a--alias-nameThe alias.
-A--alter(Optional) Flag to transfer the alias to a specified collection.
-t--timeout(Optional) The maximum allowed duration in seconds of an RPC call. Not passing this option indicates that the client keeps waiting until the server responds or an error occurs.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


示例 1


milvus_cli > create alias -c car -a carAlias1 -a carAlias2

示例 2

Example 2 is based on Example 1. 以下示例将carAlias1carAlias2的别名从car集合传输到car2集合。

milvus_cli > create alias -c car2 -A -a carAlias -a carAlias2




create collection -c (text) -f (text) -p (text) [-a] [-d (text)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe nam of the collection.
-f--schema-field(Multiple) The field schema in the <fieldName>:<dataType>:<dimOfVector/desc> format.
-p--schema-primary-fieldThe name of the primary key field.
-a--schema-auto-id(Optional) Flag to generate IDs automatically.
-d--schema-description(Optional) The description of the collection.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


milvus_cli > create collection -c car -f id:INT64:primary_field -f vector:FLOAT_VECTOR:128 -f color:INT64:color -f brand:INT64:brand -p id -a -d 'car_collection'




create partition -c (text) -p (text) [-d (text)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection.
-p--partitionThe partition name.
-d--description(Optional) The description of the partition.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


milvus_cli > create partition -c car -p new_partition -d test_add_partition

create index

Creates an index for a field.

Currently, a collection supports a maximum of one index.


create index


OptionFull nameDescription
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


To create an index for a field and be prompted for the required input:

milvus_cli > create index
Collection name (car, car2): car2
The name of the field to create an index for (vector): vector
Index name: vectorIndex
Index metric type (L2, IP, HAMMING, TANIMOTO): L2
Index params nlist: 2
Timeout []:




delete alias -p (text)


OptionFull nameDescription
-u--usernmaeThe username.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


milvus_cli > delete user -p zilliz




delete alias -a (text) [-t (float)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-a--alias-nameThe alias.
-t--timeout(Optional) The maximum allowed duration in seconds of an RPC call. Not passing this option indicates that the client keeps waiting until the server responds or an error occurs.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.




delete collection -c (text) [-t (float)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection to be deleted.
-t--timeout(Optional) The maximum allowed duration in seconds of an RPC call. Not passing this option indicates that the client keeps waiting until the server responds or an error occurs.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


milvus_cli > delete collection -c car


Deletes entities.


delete entities -c (text) -p (text) [-t (float)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection that entities to be deleted belongs to.
-p--partition(Optional) The name of the partition to be deleted.
-t--timeout(Optional) The maximum allowed duration in seconds of an RPC call. Not passing this option indicates that the client keeps waiting until the server responds or an error occurs.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


milvus_cli > delete entities -c car
The expression to specify entities to be deleted, such as "film_id in [ 0, 1 ]": film_id in [ 0, 1 ]
You are trying to delete the entities of collection. This action cannot be undone!
Do you want to continue? [y/N]: y

delete partition

Deletes a partition.


delete partition -c (text) -p (text) [-t (float)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection that the partition to be deleted belongs to.
-t--timeout(Optional) The maximum allowed duration in seconds of an RPC call. Not passing this option indicates that the client keeps waiting until the server responds or an error occurs.
-p--partitionThe name of the partition to be deleted.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


milvus_cli > delete partition -c car -p new_partition

delete index


Currently, a collection supports a maximum of one index.


delete index -c (text) -in (text) [-t (float)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection.
-in--index-nameThe name of the index name.
-t--timeout(Optional) The maximum allowed duration in seconds of an RPC call. Not passing this option indicates that the client keeps waiting until the server responds or an error occurs.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


milvus_cli > delete index -c car -in indexName


Shows the detailed information of a collection.


describe collection -c (text)


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


milvus_cli > describe collection -c test_collection_insert

describe partition



describe partition -c (text) -p (text)


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection that the partition belongs to.
-p--partitionThe name of the partition.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.


milvus_cli > describe partition -c test_collection_insert -p _default


Shows the detailed information of an index.


describe index -c (text) -in (text)


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection.
-in--index-nameThe name of the index.

| --help | n/a | Displays help for using the command. |






OptionFull nameDescription
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.




help <command>


calcCalculates the distance between two vector arrays, mkts_from_hybridts, mkts_from_unixtime, or hybridts_to_unixtime.
clearClears the screen.
connectConnects to Milvus.
createCreates a collection, partition, index, or alias.
deleteDeletes a collection, partition, index, entity, or alias.
describeDescribes a collection, partition, or index.
exitCloses the command line window.
helpDisplays help for using a command.
importImports data into a partition.
listLists collections, partitions, or indexes.
loadLoads a collection or partition.
load_balancePerforms load balancing on a query node.
queryShows query results that match all the criteria that you enter.
releaseReleases a collection or partition.
searchPerforms a vector similarity search or hybrid search.
showShows the current collection, progress of entity loading, progress of entity indexing, or segment information.
versionShows the version of Milvus_CLI.




import -c (text)[-p (text)][-t (float)] <file_path>


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection that the data are inserted into.
-p--partition(Optional) The name of the partition that the data are inserted into. Not passing this partition option indicates choosing the "_default" partition.
-t--timeout(Optional) The maximum allowed duration in seconds of an RPC call. Not passing this option indicates that the client keeps waiting until the server responds or an error occurs.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

示例 1

The following example imports a local CSV file.

milvus_cli > import -c car 'examples/import_csv/vectors.csv'
Reading csv file...  [####################################]  100%
Column names are ['vector', 'color', 'brand']
Processed 50001 lines.
Inserting ...
Insert successfully.
--------------------------  ------------------
Total insert entities:                   50000
Total collection entities:              150000
Milvus timestamp:           428849214449254403
--------------------------  ------------------

示例 2

The following example imports a remote CSV file.

milvus_cli > import -c car '
Reading file from remote URL.
Reading csv file...  [####################################]  100%
Column names are ['vector', 'color', 'brand']
Processed 50001 lines.
Inserting ...
Insert successfully.
--------------------------  ------------------
Total insert entities:                   50000
Total collection entities:              150000
Milvus timestamp:           428849214449254403
--------------------------  ------------------




list users


| Option | Full name | Description | | --help | n/a | 显示如何使用命令的帮助信息。 |




list collections [-t (float)][-l (boolean)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-t--timeout(Optional) The maximum allowed duration in seconds of an RPC call. Not passing this option indicates that the client keeps waiting until the server responds or an error occurs.
-l--show-loaded(Optional) Shows the loaded collections only.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

列出索引 列出集合的所有索引。 Currently, a collection supports a maximum of one index. 语法

list indexes -c (text)


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

列出集合的所有分区 列出集合的所有分区。 语法

list partitions -c (text)


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

加载 将集合或分区从硬盘空间加载到RAM中。 语法

load -c (text) [-p (text)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection that the partition belongs to.
-p--partition(Optional/Multiple) The name of the partition.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

负载均衡 通过将段从源查询节点转移到目标节点来执行负载均衡。 语法

load_balance -s (int) -d (int) -ss (int) [-t (int)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-s--src-node-idThe ID of the source query node to be balanced.
-d--dst-node-id(Multiple) The ID of the destination query node to transfer segments to.
-ss--sealed-segment-ids(Multiple) The ID of the sealed segment to be transferred.
-t--timeout(Optional) The timeout in seconds.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

query Shows query results that match all the criteria that you enter. Syntax



OptionFull nameDescription
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

Example Example 1 To perform a query and be prompted for the required input:

milvus_cli > query
Collection name: car
The query expression: id in [ 428960801420883491, 428960801420883492,
428960801420883493 ]
Name of partitions that contain entities(split by "," if multiple) []:
A list of fields to return(split by "," if multiple) []: color, brand
timeout []:
Guarantee timestamp. This instructs Milvus to see all operations performed before a provided timestamp. If no such timestamp is provided, then Milvus will search all operations performed to date. [0]:
Graceful time. Only used in bounded consistency level. If graceful_time is set, PyMilvus will use current timestamp minus the graceful_time as the guarantee_timestamp. This option is 5s by default if not set. [5]:
Travel timestamp. Users can specify a timestamp in a search to get results based on a data view at a specified point in time. [0]: 428960801420883491

Example 2 To perform a query and be prompted for the required input:

milvus_cli > query
Collection name: car
The query expression: id > 428960801420883491
Name of partitions that contain entities(split by "," if multiple) []:
A list of fields to return(split by "," if multiple) []: id, color,
timeout []:
Guarantee timestamp. This instructs Milvus to see all operations performed before a provided timestamp. If no such timestamp is provided, then Milvus will search all operations performed to date. [0]:
Graceful time. Only used in bounded consistency level. If graceful_time is set, PyMilvus will use current timestamp minus the graceful_time as the guarantee_timestamp. This option is 5s by default if not set. [5]:
Travel timestamp. Users can specify a timestamp in a search to get results based on a data view at a specified point in time. [0]: 428960801420883491

发布 释放 RAM 中的一个集合或分区。 语法

release -c (text) [-p (text)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection that the partition belongs to.
-p--partition(Optional/Multiple) The name of the partition.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

search Performs a vector similarity search or hybrid search. Syntax



OptionFull nameDescription
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

Examples Example 1 To perform a search on a csv file and be prompted for the required input:

milvus_cli > search
Collection name (car, test_collection): car
The vectors of search data(the length of data is number of query (nq), the dim of every vector in data must be equal to vector field’s of collection. You can also import a csv file
out headers): examples/import_csv/search_vectors.csv
The vector field used to search of collection (vector): vector
Metric type: L2
Search parameter nprobe's value: 10
The max number of returned record, also known as topk: 2
The boolean expression used to filter attribute []: id > 0
The names of partitions to search (split by "," if multiple) ['_default'] []: _default
timeout []:
Guarantee Timestamp(It instructs Milvus to see all operations performed before a provided timestamp. If no such timestamp is provided, then Milvus will search all operations performed to date) [0]:
Travel Timestamp(Specify a timestamp in a search to get results based on a data view) [0]:

Example 2 To perform a search on an indexed collection and be prompted for the required input:

milvus_cli > search
Collection name (car, test_collection): car
The vectors of search data(the length of data is number of query (nq), the dim of every vector in data must be equal to vector field’s of collection. You can also import a csv file without headers):
    [[0.71, 0.76, 0.17, 0.13, 0.42, 0.07, 0.15, 0.67, 0.58, 0.02, 0.39, 0.47, 0.58, 0.88, 0.73, 0.31, 0.23, 0.57, 0.33, 0.2, 0.03, 0.43, 0.78, 0.49, 0.17, 0.56, 0.76, 0.54, 0.45, 0.46, 0.05, 0.1, 0.43, 0.63, 0.29, 0.44, 0.65, 0.01, 0.35, 0.46, 0.66, 0.7, 0.88, 0.07, 0.49, 0.92, 0.57, 0.5, 0.16, 0.77, 0.98, 0.1, 0.44, 0.88, 0.82, 0.16, 0.67, 0.63, 0.57, 0.55, 0.95, 0.13, 0.64, 0.43, 0.71, 0.81, 0.43, 0.65, 0.76, 0.7, 0.05, 0.24, 0.03, 0.9, 0.46, 0.28, 0.92, 0.25, 0.97, 0.79, 0.73, 0.97, 0.49, 0.28, 0.64, 0.19, 0.23, 0.51, 0.09, 0.1, 0.53, 0.03, 0.23, 0.94, 0.87, 0.14, 0.42, 0.82, 0.91, 0.11, 0.91, 0.37, 0.26, 0.6, 0.89, 0.6, 0.32, 0.11, 0.98, 0.67, 0.12, 0.66, 0.47, 0.02, 0.15, 0.6, 0.64, 0.57, 0.14, 0.81, 0.75, 0.11, 0.49, 0.78, 0.16, 0.63, 0.57, 0.18]]
The vector field used to search of collection (vector): vector
Metric type: L2
Search parameter nprobe's value: 10
The specified number of decimal places of returned distance [-1]: 5
The max number of returned record, also known as topk: 2
The boolean expression used to filter attribute []: id > 0
The names of partitions to search (split by "," if multiple) ['_default'] []: _default
timeout []:
Guarantee Timestamp(It instructs Milvus to see all operations performed before a provided timestamp. If no such timestamp is provided, then Milvus will search all operations performed to date) [0]:
Travel Timestamp(Specify a timestamp in a search to get results based on a data view) [0]:

Example 3 To perform a search on a non-indexed collection and be prompted for the required input:

milvus_cli > search
Collection name (car, car2): car
The vectors of search data(the length of data is number of query (nq), the dim of every vector in data must be equal to vector field’s of collection. You can also import a csv file without headers): examples/import_csv/search_vectors.csv
The vector field used to search of collection (vector): vector
The specified number of decimal places of returned distance [-1]: 5
The max number of returned record, also known as topk: 2
The boolean expression used to filter attribute []:
The names of partitions to search (split by "," if multiple) ['_default'] []:
timeout []:
Guarantee Timestamp(It instructs Milvus to see all operations performed before a provided timestamp. If no such timestamp is provided, then Milvus will search all operations performed to date) [0]:
Travel Timestamp(Specify a timestamp in a search to get results based on a data view) [0]:

show connection Shows the current connection. Syntax

show connection [-a]


OptionFull nameDescription
-a--all(Optional) Flag to show all connections.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

显示实体索引的进度 显示实体索引的进度。 语法

show index_progress -c (text) [-i (text)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection that the entities belong to.
-i--index(Optional) The name of the index.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

show loading_progress Shows the progress of entity loading. Syntax

show loading_progress -c (text) [-p (text)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection that the entities belong to.
-p--partition(Optional/Multiple) The name of the loading partition.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

show query_segment Shows the segment information of a collection. Syntax

show query_segment -c (text) [-t (float)]


OptionFull nameDescription
-c--collection-nameThe name of the collection.
-t--timeout(Optional) The maximum allowed duration in seconds of an RPC call. Not passing this option indicates that the client keeps waiting until the server responds or an error occurs.
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

版本 显示Milvus_CLI的版本。 语法



OptionFull nameDescription
--helpn/aDisplays help for using the command.

You can also check the version of Milvus_CLI in a shell as shown in the following example. In this case, milvus_cli --version acts as a command. 示例

$ milvus_cli --version
Milvus_CLI v0.1.7