



Knowhere 是 Milvus 的核心向量执行引擎,集成了多个向量相似度搜索库,包括 Faiss (opens in a new tab)Hnswlib (opens in a new tab)Annoy (opens in a new tab)。Knowhere 还支持异构计算。它控制在哪些硬件(CPU 或 GPU)上执行索引构建和搜索请求。这就是 Knowhere 的名字的由来 - 知道在哪里执行操作。未来的版本还将支持更多类型的硬件,包括 DPU 和 TPU。

Knowhere 在 Milvus 架构中的作用


Knowhere (opens in a new tab)

Knowhere in the Milvus architecture.








Support for multiple similarity metrics for indexing binary vectors

Knowhere supports Hamming, Jaccard, Tanimoto, Superstructure, and Substructure. Jaccard and Tanimoto can be used to measure the similarity between two sample sets while Superstructure and Substructure can be used to measure the similarity of chemical structures.

Support for AVX512 instruction set

除了AArch64 (opens in a new tab)SSE4.2 (opens in a new tab)AVX2 (opens in a new tab)之外,Faiss 已经支持的指令集,Knowhere 还支持AVX512 (opens in a new tab),可以相对于AVX2提高20%至30%的索引构建和查询性能。


Knowhere支持在任何CPU处理器(包括本地和云平台)上自动调用适当的SIMD指令(例如SIMD SSE,AVX,AVX2和AVX512),因此用户在编译时无需手动指定SIMD标志(例如“-msse4”)。

Knowhere是通过重构Faiss的代码库而构建的。依赖于 SIMD 加速的常见函数(例如,相似性计算)被分解出来。然后,针对每个函数,实现了四个版本(即 SSE、AVX、AVX2、AVX512),每个版本都放在一个单独的源文件中。然后,使用相应的 SIMD 标志单独编译源文件。因此,在运行时,Knowhere 可以基于当前的 CPU 标志自动选择最适合的 SIMD 指令,然后使用 hooking 链接正确的函数指针。


Read Milvus: A Purpose-Built Vector Data Management System (opens in a new tab) for more about Knowhere's performance optimization.

Knowhere code structure

Computation in Milvus mainly involves vector and scalar operations. Knowhere only handles the operations on vector indexing.


然而,在Knowhere中,用于训练和搜索的数据是相同的。Knowhere在一个 (opens in a new tab)中训练所有的数据,然后将所有训练数据插入并为它们构建索引。


DataObj is the base class of all data structures in Knowhere. Size() is the only virtual method in DataObj. The Index class inherits from DataObj with a field named "size_". The Index class also has two virtual methods - Serialize() and Load(). The VecIndex class derived from Index is the virtual base class for all vector indexes. VecIndex provides methods including Train(), Query(), GetStatistics(), and ClearStatistics().

base class (opens in a new tab)

Knowhere base classes.

Some other index types are listed on the right in the figure above.

  • The Faiss index has two base classes: FaissBaseIndex for all indexes on float point vectors, and FaissBaseBinaryIndex for all indexes on binary vectors.
  • GPUIndex is the base class for all Faiss GPU indexes.
  • OffsetBaseIndex是所有自研索引的基类。由于索引文件中仅存储向量ID,因此128维向量的文件大小可以降低2个数量级。


IDMAP (opens in a new tab)

IDMAP code structure.




IVF (opens in a new tab)

Code structure of IVF indexes.

倒排索引(IVF)是最常用的索引。 IVF 类派生自 VecIndexFaissBaseIndex,并进一步扩展为 IVFSQIVFPQGPUIVF 派生自 GPUIndexIVF。然后,GPUIVF 进一步扩展为 GPUIVFSQGPUIVFPQ

IVFSQHybrid 是一种自主开发的混合索引。粗糙的量化器在 GPU 上执行,而在 CPU 上执行桶中的搜索。这种类型的索引可以利用 GPU 的计算能力,减少 CPU 和 GPU 之间的内存复制发生。 IVFSQHybrid 具有与 GPUIVFSQ 相同的召回率,但性能更佳。

二进制索引的基类结构相对较简单。 BinaryIDMAPBinaryIVF 派生自 FaissBaseBinaryIndexVecIndex


third-party indexes (opens in a new tab)

Code structure of other third-party indexes.



If you want to add new indexes to Knowhere, first you can refer to existing indexes:

  • To add quantization-based indexes, refer to IVF_FLAT.
  • To add graph-based indexes, refer to HNSW.
  • To add tree-based indexes, refer to Annoy.

After referring to the existing index, you can follow the steps below to add a new index to Knowhere.

  1. Add the name of the new index in IndexEnum. The data type is string.
  2. Add data validation check on the new index in the file ConfAdapter.cpp. The validation check is mainly to validate the parameters for data training and query.
  • 为新索引创建一个新文件。新索引的基类应该包括VecIndex,以及VecIndex的必要虚接口。

  • VecIndexFactory::CreateVecIndex()中添加新索引的构建逻辑。

  • unittest目录下添加单元测试。


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