MilvusDM 安装(milvusdm_install)


The pymilvusdm2.0 is used for migrating data from Milvus(0.10.x or 1.x) to Milvus2.x.

Before you begin

Ensure you meet the requirements for operating system and software before installing MilvusDM.

Operating systemSupported versions
CentOS7.5 or higher
Ubuntu LTS18.04 or higher
Milvus (opens in a new tab)0.10.x or 1.x or 2.x
Python33.7 or higher
pip3Should be in correspondence to the Python version.


  • 将以下两行添加到~/.bashrc文件中:
export MILVUSDM_PATH='/home/$user/milvusdm'
export LOGS_NUM=0
  • MILVUSDM_PATH: 此参数定义MilvusDM的工作路径。MilvusDM生成的日志和数据将存储在此路径中。默认值为/home/$user/milvusdm

  • LOGS_NUM: MilvusDM 每天生成一个日志文件。此参数定义您要保存的日志文件数量。默认值为0,表示保存所有日志文件。

  • 配置环境变量:
$ source ~/.bashrc
  • 使用 pip 安装 MilvusDM:
$ pip3 install pymilvusdm==2.0